All submitted works must be original.
The submitted work must not be under review in another journal. If such cases are identified, future submissions from the respective author(s) will not be accepted. Submissions received through the journal management system undergo a preliminary review by the Editors within a maximum of 4 weeks based on the following criteria:
• Relevance to the journal's scope • Similarity index • Compliance with the journal's scientific guidelines • Compliance with the language of publication and writing rules. Works that pass the preliminary review by the Editors, depending on their nature, are forwarded to two experts in the relevant field for further evaluation.
Once the work is sent to the reviewers, they are expected to inform the editorial board within 4 weeks whether they can review it. Reviewers who do not respond within this timeframe will be replaced by new reviewers.
Reviewers evaluate the work using a standard evaluation form. Additionally, reviewers can submit notes indicating their suggestions and opinions on the full text to the editorial board if they wish. The review period for reviewers is 4 weeks.
Reviewer feedback serves as a guide for the Editors in making the final decision. The final decision always rests with the Editors.
Reviewers can provide three types of feedback on a work: 1.Accept as is. 2.Accept after revisions (The decision is made after the editorial board verifies the revisions). 3.Request to see the work again after revisions (The work undergoes a second round of evaluation after being resubmitted by the authors). 4.Reject.
Based on the reviewers' feedback, a third or fourth reviewer may be assigned to the work, and this process follows the same timeline as described above. After the review is completed in accordance with the reviewers' feedback, the Editors examine the reviewers' feedback within at least two weeks.