Writing Rules

Starting from April 2024, our journal will continue its publication process in compliance with the APA 7.0 format. Submissions must adhere to the IAUD ARTICLE PREPARATION ve SAMPLE ARTICLE TEMPLATE.

Publishing Principles

The Istanbul Aydın University Journal of Social Sciences (IAUD) accepts and publishes studies in the fields of applied communication, communication sciences, media studies, new media, digital culture, advertising, public relations, educational sciences, distance education, visual communication design, radio, television, cinema, and sociology.

IAUD is a peer-reviewed journal published four times a year. Accepted articles include original theoretical and/or experimental studies as well as educational explanations related to fixed reference values.

The IAUD Editorial Board is authorized to decide whether or not to accept articles through international peer-reviews.


General Rules

  1. The language of the articles is Turkish and English
  2. If there is an institution that supports the study, it should be specified in the text.
  3. Manuscripts should not exceed 12.000 words, including bibliography and annexes.
  4. Articles must be formatted according to the APA reference system (APA 7.0). Please ensure that references cited in the text are listed in the bibliography.
  5. The maximum similarity rate determined by the editorial board for our journal is 15%. The filtering options for the similarity detection program are set as follows: Bibliography excluded, Limit match size to 5 words, Other filtering options in the program menu are not included in the report.


Writing Rules

  • Page Layout

Margins: top 3.5 cm; bottom 2.5 cm; left 2.5 cm; right 2 cm, with an overall text space of 170 mm x 240 mm.

  • Type of Font

Times New Roman font should be used. The Turkish "Öz" (Summary) and English "Abstract" sections should be in 12-point font. The main text and references section should also be in 12-point font. The text, Turkish-English summaries, and references should be justified on both sides. The text should be single-spaced, and there should be one line space between paragraphs.

  • Headlines

The manuscript should be composed of main headings and sub-headings.

  • Main Title

The main title should be in Times New Roman, uppercase, bold, 14-point font in Microsoft Word format. The author’s name, abbreviations, ORCID number, and email addresses should be written after two lines of space following the title. The author’s first name should be in lowercase, and the last name should be in uppercase, written in 12-point font.

  • Abstract

The abstract should not exceed 300 words and "ÖZ" should be bold and 12-point font. The abstract text should be 12-point font, justified on both sides, and a single paragraph in Microsoft Word format. Keywords should be italic, bold, and in 12-point font. At least three and at most five keywords should be written with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase. The "ÖZ" should provide brief information about the subject, research method, and results of the article.


  • Abstract Title

The abstract main heading should be written after leaving two lines of space following the Turkish keywords. It should be in Times New Roman, uppercase, bold, 12-point font, justified on both sides, and a single paragraph in Microsoft Word format. The abstract should not exceed 600 words, with "ABSTRACT" in bold, 12-point font. All text should be in Times New Roman in Microsoft Word format. Keywords in the abstract should be italic, bold, and in 12-point font. At least three and at most five keywords should be written with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase. The "ABSTRACT" should provide brief information about the subject, research method, and results of the article.


  • Sections

Sub-headings created according to the content of the article (e.g., INTRODUCTION, CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, LITERATURE REVIEW, RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, etc.) should be in uppercase, 12-point bold font, and written without numbering.


  • Main Text

Sub-headings should be in 12-point, bold, and uppercase font, and the main text should be in 12-point, Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be written in a single column, justified on both sides, with single spacing between paragraphs. The sub-heading of the first section should start after leaving one line of space after the keywords, with no space between subsequent text paragraphs. The article length, including figures and illustrations, should not exceed 30 pages.


  • Tables, Figures, Graphics and Pictures

Tables, figures, graphics, and pictures used in the text can be used with a “source” citation if they are not originally created by the author(s). Tables, figures, graphics, and pictures should be placed to fit the text and have titles in 12-point font. Tables and graphics used in the text should be sequentially numbered as Table 1., Table 2./ Graphic 1., Graphic 2., etc. The table numbers and titles should be placed before the table. The numbers and titles of figures, graphics, and pictures should be placed below them and numbered sequentially as Figure 1., Figure 2./ Picture 1., Picture 2., etc. The first letters of words used in table, figure, graphic, and picture titles should be capitalized, with the rest in lowercase.


  • Conclusion

The heading should be bold, 12-point, in uppercase letters, and the main text should also be in 12-point Times New Roman font in Microsoft Word format.